Whale Watching in Hermanus
Hermanus is regarded as the whale watching capital of South Africa. By Land - By Boat - By Air
Hermanus is regarded as the whale watching capital of South Africa. By Land - By Boat - By Air
The Old Harbour Open-Air Museum is a provincial heritage site. It is unique in that apparently it is one of only two fishing harbours in the world that has been conserved in tact.
meanders for almost 11 kilometres along the coast from the New Harbour in the west to the estuary at the mouth of the Klein River in the east.
Changing your mood can be surprisingly quick and easy when you have the right tools, strategies, and methods.
All of us have days when we're out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You've had days like that, haven't you? Perhaps you tried to get yourself into a better state of mind but struggled to achieve it.
Sometimes we get stuck in our own emotional dumps and forget how easy it is to feel happier, so here are seven simple ways to lift your mood. Many people have found them useful. Some of them may surprise you!
1. Smile Often and Find something to laugh at
Laughter is one of the best ways to lift your spirits. Find a humorous book, or watch a comedy. Even better, try to learn a few new jokes and tell them to others. Research has shown that the facial expression you wear influences your mood. If you walk around frowning, you are more likely to be annoyed or unhappy. If you make it a point to smile, you are more likely to be happy and joyful. There really is some truth to the old adage “fake it ‘til you make it.”
2. Be Healthy
if you want your emotions to be happy, you need to keep your body happy. Eat healthy foods, and keep high-sodium, high-fat foods to a minimum. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, and make sure you are getting enough raw calories.
3. Go for a daily walk
Most people know that going for a short daily walk is one of the best forms of exercise. When you are feeling down it is even more beneficial. If you can, go into a natural environment with plants and birds. Can you think of such a setting not? What do you notice first? The different shades of greenery, the fresh smell of country air, the sounds of birds, or the sunlight shining through the trees? Make it real by taking a short stroll
4. Listen to quality music or Turn on the music and dance.
Music can shift a listener's state within moments. It's effect can be nearly magical. Dig out that CD you haven't listened to in ages or tune in your radio to something you've never listened to before.
Music triggers memories, so if it’s a song that reminds you of a really good time, it’ll take you there. And movement gets your endorphins pumping, jolting you into a better mood.
5. Discover something new everyday.
Read something (printed, not on line) different than what you would normally watch. There are a ton of different types of magazines can you get these days. Visit your local library or browse through a magazine rack. Pick up or buy a magazine you wouldn't normally buy. You may discover something wonderful.
6. Stop Complaining
If you only pay attention to bad things, then the only input your emotions receive is negative. To truly boost your long-term happiness, stop complaining. Go an entire day without complaining even once, and see how you feel.
7. Simple breathing meditation
Breathing meditation is a great exercise that you can do anywhere. Simply allow yourself to sit comfortably with your back straight. Now close your eyes and become aware of the flow of air into and out of your nostrils. That's all there is to it. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Notice how pleasantly surprised you can be at how you feel afterward.
8. Avoid Negativity
If you truly want to be happier, you need to cut the negativity out of your life. Unfollow people on social media who only ever complain or gossip. Stop reading every news update you receive.
9. Doodling for the fun of it, like children with no care in the world
Most people can remember when they were young and used to doodle for hours. Kids love drawing silly little pictures. Drawing is not just for kids or artists. Whoever you are get some pens, pencils, crayons or whatever you have and just draw for the fun of it. Notice how your state of mind shifts.
10. Think of others less fortunate and Practice Gratitude
The fact that you are reading this article suggests that you are probably much better off than most people on this planet. At times this may be hard to believe, but if you can read and have access to the internet, just those two things alone means you are better off than most people in the world. There are many human beings that barely have access to the basics of survival. There are people in lots of pain. Allow your compassion for them to grow. Count your blessings
Images: Pixabay
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in and around Hermanus
With countless Southern Right Whales gathering along the Whale coast every year to mate and to calve
One for the Bucket list
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4 x Wine Routes
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in the Cape whale Coast
Hermanus is a spectacular seaside town with winding cliff paths, sloping green mountains, and deep blue waters.
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