sh Historical Places in Hermanus | Online Travel Magazine

Places of Interest

Places of Interest
“Oom Otto” die storie van Sopiesklip in Hermanus

“Oom Otto” die storie van Sopiesklip in Hermanus

Jacobus Claude (Kowie) Otto wat destyds in die grot by Sopiesklip “gekampeer” het, was allermins ‘n kluisenaar of boemelaar soos wat dit uit verskillende oorde al beweer is.

Hermanus had thirteen Hotels in the golden and olden days.

Hermanus had thirteen Hotels in the golden and olden days.

List of the Hotels and their locations. Quite amazing that Hermanus hosted so many hotels when it was just a little fishing village.

History of the Hermanus New Harbour

History of the Hermanus New Harbour

By the end of 1946 the southern breakwater was done, and it was only about ten years later, in 1951 that the new harbour, with its sharp cut into the sea from the headland where the factories today stand, was completed and fully operational.

Hawston and it

Hawston and it's history

Close to Hermanus, the town of Hawston with its long, white unspoilt beach lies cosily between the sea and the mountain.  Named after C.R. Haw, a civil commissioner of Caledon.

De Wet

De Wet's Photo Museum in Hermanus

The De Wet’s Huis cottage at the Fishermen’s Village houses a photographic exhibition of old Hermanus dating as far back as the beginning of the last century...

Plankhuis a famous fishing spot near Hawston

Plankhuis a famous fishing spot near Hawston

About three kilometres west of Hawston lies the famous fishing spot, Plankhuis — a place shrouded in romanticism and mystery..

Old Harbour Museum, Hermanus

Old Harbour Museum, Hermanus

The Old Harbour Open-Air Museum is a provincial heritage site. It is unique in that apparently it is one of only two fishing harbours in the world that has been conserved in tact.

Voëlklip Beach and it

Voëlklip Beach and it's origin

How and or where did Voëlklip Beach get it's name?

Hermanus station - 75 years of road transport

Hermanus station - 75 years of road transport

1912-1987 - In commemoration of the introduction of the road transportation service be­ tween Botriver and Her­manus on 23 December 1912.

Remembrance Day 2013 @ The War Memorial in Hermanus

Remembrance Day 2013 @ The War Memorial in Hermanus

Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November each year, or on the second Sunday in November, usually nearest to the 11th.

Cypress Tea Garden to the Burgundy Restaurant

Cypress Tea Garden to the Burgundy Restaurant

John Louis built the first cottage in 1876 (on what is now Harbour Road) and then a second at right angles to it, facing the sea...

Whale Museum in Hermanus

Whale Museum in Hermanus

The search for a 'right' whale skeleton was on. In 1998 negotiations was started with the Technical Division of Museum Service (Dep of Cultural Affairs) to do the research & compile a world-class exhibition on cetaceans.

Hermanus War Memorial

Hermanus War Memorial

The war memorial was built after World War I, in 1929 in memory of those who died in WW I and WWII.

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