sh Great White Sharks in South Africa | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine



Learn all you wanted to know about great white sharks with pictures, videos, photos, facts.

Great white sharks are the largest and most fierce predators in the ocean. The scientific name for this fish is the Carcharodon carcharias. The name comes from two Greek words meaning "sharp" and "tooth".

3 differences between a whale and a shark you do not think about

3 differences between a whale and a shark you do not think about

Dolphins, whales, seals, sea lions, and otters are all mammals. They give birth to live young and nurse their young with milk. In contrast, even though some sharks give birth to live young, sharks are fish.

Shark Cage Diving near Shark Alley in Gansbaai, South Africa

Shark Cage Diving near Shark Alley in Gansbaai, South Africa

Looking for the ultimate shark diving experience in South Africa? Tick off your bucket list!

Sharks - Did you Know?

Sharks - Did you Know?

White Sharks are also known as Great  White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias(Latin) and White Pointer Sharks.

A new group of killer whales has moved to South Africa – and they have an appetite for sharks!

A new group of killer whales has moved to South Africa – and they have an appetite for sharks!

There has been a dramatic decline in great white shark sightings in False Bay, Cape Town, and it looks like shark-eating killer whales could be to blame. This new sub-group of killer whale has moved to Cape waters seeking fresh hunting grounds following declines in prey species in other parts of the world.

Hammerhead Shark Facts in a nutshell

Hammerhead Shark Facts in a nutshell

The unusual structure of the head makes the head look like a hammer, this is why they are known as "Hammerhead sharks". This "hammer" on its head is also known as the "cephalofoil" Since the eyes are positioned on the ends of the cephalofoil, hammerheads are able to see everything around them, including what is under them, and what is above them.

 Why it matters how you watch Shark Week

Why it matters how you watch Shark Week

Producers of Shark Week 2019 is wrapping up it's filming. Soon the world will get into the now familiar "shark frenzie" The most important takeaway from “Sharkathon” television is to remember that these shows are primarily entertainment viewing. Enjoy them, but don’t fall for them hook, line and sinker.

Shark Week is a big let-down. But sharks are still super cute!

Shark Week is a big let-down. But sharks are still super cute!

We don't approve of the fake news but we shamelessly exploit Discovery Channel's Shark Week hype to share our favourite fun facts about these brilliant and bizarre creatures. The best part is, it's are all true.

Let us pass the shark conservation baton on to our children

Let us pass the shark conservation baton on to our children

It is a privilege for young  aspiring scientist early in the 21st century armed with the opportunities that didn’t exist any time in the past.. Never again will there be a better time to use the power of knowing to ensure the enduring future of human kind. The greatest era of exploration has just begun and our children can be a part of it.

 How did the Killer Whales outsmart the Great White Sharks?

How did the Killer Whales outsmart the Great White Sharks?

The great white shark is one of the ocean's most powerful predators, yet it is sometimes prey for orcas that killed several of these formidable creatures in Gansbaai, South Africa this month.

Minister’s quick action on shark-cage diving, whale watching

Minister’s quick action on shark-cage diving, whale watching

The extension of current permits will ensure that boat-based whale watching and White shark cage-diving activities continue as usual.

 Author of

Author of 'Jaws,' regretted making the great white shark into a villain

Peter Benchley, whose 1974 novel "Jaws" turned shark attacks into a national obsession and who later used what he called his "fish story" to help promote oceanic conservation.Mr. Benchley, who even found himself enduring the wrath of Jacques Cousteau, said repeatedly in later years that he regretted making the great white shark into a villain.

Scientists Finally Understand Shark Skin, Thanks to 3D Printers

Scientists Finally Understand Shark Skin, Thanks to 3D Printers

If you described a shark as a toothy torpedo covered in sandpaper, you wouldn't be too far off the mark. It's that rough sandpapery skin that gives sharks their highly efficient swimming abilities, and scientists finally understand why.

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