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Join a fun and friendly local parkrun on Saturday

Join a fun and friendly local parkrun on Saturday

Parkrun is a collection of 5-kilometre events for walkers, runners, and volunteers that take place every Saturday morning at 8hr. In this area, we have 3 parkrun venues

The Five Biggest Décor Trends Of 2022

The Five Biggest Décor Trends Of 2022

As we wrap up 2022, it’s a great time to pause and reflect on some of the design and décor trends that have shaped the last 12 months.

5 Handy Hints for flying with kids this Christmas

5 Handy Hints for flying with kids this Christmas

Flying with little ones can be harrowing—but it doesn’t have to be!

Visiting friends and family during the festive period is as commonplace Santa and Rudolph the Reindeer. However, a stress-free flight and an enjoyable holiday can be ticked off your wish list this year with these 5 handy tips for flying with kids.

Ideas for adding curb appeal to your home

Ideas for adding curb appeal to your home

First impressions are everything – especially when it comes to the exterior of your home. Curb appeal entices people to want to see the inside of your home. Curb appeal sells homes for more money, in less time. The small investment of your time and money can get you the sales price you want in record time! 

Help jou kind so om hom voor te berei jou vir Graad Een

Help jou kind so om hom voor te berei jou vir Graad Een

Skoolgereedheid is die proses waartydens n kind sy akademiese vaardighede soos spel,skryf, en rekenkunde ontwikkel. Hierdie voorbereiding is geskoei op die kind se gereedheid vir formele leer en is die basis waarop onderrig kan plaasvind.

Hier is n paar wenke oe jou kind kan help om die aanpassing makliker te maak.

First day at school Try these 6  tips to get back on track

First day at school Try these 6 tips to get back on track

We've all had a lovely Christmas and new year - but it's time to get back to reality and return to work and school. So how do you get them back on track and focused for the new year?  Here are a few basic tips to help them.

Here is How to Have a truly South African Braai

Here is How to Have a truly South African Braai

Like all good barbecues, a braai in South Africa is a leisurely affair.
Nobody braais on time; drinks and snacks are taken for a few hours while the fire is assembled.
This heritage day- have a braai!
Moenie jou beste wyn net vir nagmaal bêre nie.

Moenie jou beste wyn net vir nagmaal bêre nie.

Erens tussen al die duisende woorde wat al geskryf is oor hierdie veelsydige voggie, vergeet ons soms dat wyn gemaak word vir plesier, vir onthou tye saam familie en vriende en om mooi herhinneringe te maak wat jou kop nooit weer sal los nie!

The Gingerbread House at The Marine Hermanus

The Gingerbread House at The Marine Hermanus

This will be the fourth year in a row that Chef Tronette has baked and built a gingerbread house for The Marine – along with a generous lashing of Christmas cookies for visitors - a feat which has now become an annual institution for the hotel and a highlight of the Hermanus festive season.

Yes, you can give a pet as a Christmas gift.

Yes, you can give a pet as a Christmas gift.

The idea of giving a pet as a Christmas present used to be frowned upon. But far from dismissing the idea, animal welfare groups now support the practice of gifting a pet for Christmas – so long as it’s done the right way.

I can

I can't leave South Africa Without my child!

His father refuses to give consent for his passport and relocation.

Parents of minor children differ on many things. Sometimes it's minor issues. 


Can You Train A Cat?

Can You Train A Cat?

If it's a kitten you're bringing home, make sure you start a grooming routine early. Bathing, brushing, and trimming claws will be an event to look forward to, rather than something to dread. 

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