sh Marine WildLife Articles of South Africa | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Marine Wildlife

The health of the ocean and marine life are so often taken for granted and due to our increasing numbers and wasteful practices, the ocean appears to be as vulnerable to harm by human activities as any other environmental realm—and maybe even more so based on the severity and scale of the threats we encounter on a daily basis.
The Cape Whale Coast in South Africa is a Biodiversity HopeSpot worthy of protection.

Bowhead Whale

Bowhead Whale

The bowhead whale is so-called because of its bow-shaped mouth and is black in colour with a whitish chin patch , broken by a 'necklace' of black spots.

Bryde’s Whales

Bryde’s Whales

They are named after a Norwegian, John Bryde, who, in 1912, financed the first scientific investigation of whales in South African waters.

Humpback Whales

Humpback Whales

Humpback” refers to the habit of raising and bending its back in preparation for the dive, accentuating the pronounced hump in front of the dorsal fin.

Southern Right Whale Behaviour

Southern Right Whale Behaviour

While at the surface, Southern right whales exhibit a variety of behaviors, including: breaching, fluking (lifting the tail out of the water), spy hopping, logging

Protecting the endangered Indian Ocean Humpback dolphin

Protecting the endangered Indian Ocean Humpback dolphin

Most people may have never heard of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins. which makes them very difficult to protect. As South Africa’s most endangered marine mammal, they are shy and elusive and inhabit a narrow strip of water on our coastline.

3 differences between a whale and a shark you do not think about

3 differences between a whale and a shark you do not think about

Dolphins, whales, seals, sea lions, and otters are all mammals. They give birth to live young and nurse their young with milk. In contrast, even though some sharks give birth to live young, sharks are fish.

Buffel Comes Home to Moult

Buffel Comes Home to Moult

Buffel, the elephant seal is perfectly evolved to handle extended periods of starvation, specifically when he come ashore to moult for approx. 4-5 weeks 


Bryde's Whale - a baleen whale around 20 tonnes of awesomeness !

Bryde’s whales are found in every ocean of the world. However,  some populations of Bryde's whales take such a liking to an area that they are considered ‘resident’. The Cape Whale Coast is fortunate to have these whales as residents.

Nature Reserves -Enjoy Nature’s Playgrounds where the Wild is all about Fun

Nature Reserves -Enjoy Nature’s Playgrounds where the Wild is all about Fun

Nature reserves are special areas of land or water that have been set aside for the protection of wildlife and their habitats. The Cape Whale Coast is speckled with these treasure troves of natural wonders. Visit and enjoy the biodiversity and natural beauty of these five nature reserves - they are all valuable and worth protecting.

 Southern Right Whales are back- an all time record count in the 2023 aerial survey

Southern Right Whales are back- an all time record count in the 2023 aerial survey

The southern right whales are finally on the move back to the feeding grounds in Antarctica. This journey will take them about 6 weeks.

What an epic whale-watching season it was this year!!

Will competition with fishermen nudge Africa’s only penguin towards extinction?

Will competition with fishermen nudge Africa’s only penguin towards extinction?

African penguins are in serious trouble. To help, South Africa has rolled out no-fishing zones near six important penguin colonies. The question now is, Will it work?

Shark Cage Diving near Shark Alley in Gansbaai, South Africa

Shark Cage Diving near Shark Alley in Gansbaai, South Africa

Looking for the ultimate shark diving experience in South Africa? Tick off your bucket list!

Southern Right Whales 101

Southern Right Whales 101

The southern right whale, Eubalaena australis, is among the largest of the four baleen whale species that come close inshore on the southern African coast: Southern Right, Humpback, Bryde's and Minke whales

What to do when you find Stranded Sea turtles

What to do when you find Stranded Sea turtles

On the beaches of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa thousands of loggerhead and leatherbacksea turtles hatch. 
They head to sea and are carried southward by the warm Agulhas Current. Many of these hatchlings find themselves stranded on beaches of the Cape's South Coast.

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