sh Whats On Summer 2022 | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine
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What is On - Summer 2022

What is On - Summer 2022
Ficks Restaurant - Pinchos & Wine in Hermanus

Ficks Restaurant - Pinchos & Wine in Hermanus

Ficks is a unique and exciting restaurant located at the historic site of Ficks Pool in Hermanus



Interact with farm animals, wander around the farm or hike Orrelkop Trail for a magnificent view over the Atlantic Ocean. Tick off your bucket list the Southern Most Parkrun

Wooden Barrel

Wooden Barrel

The restaurant is situated on the piazza in Hermanus overlooking Walker Bay and the beautiful mountains. An upmarket bistro-style restaurant on the piazza in Hermanus overlooking Walker Bay and the beautiful mountains they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner with a variety of starters.

Call us and schedule your listing today! Contact Us

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25 Mitchell Street, Checkers Building, Hermanus, South Africa
Phone: +27 (0) 28 312 3846

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Phone: +27 (0) 28 312 3846