sh Birds of the Overberg | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Birds of the Overberg

We're building a list of all the bird species found in Overberg, based on the best information available at this time. If you have any comment or are able to help us complete the list, information, or photos - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bird-watching tourism (tourism aimed at experiencing birds in their natural habitat) is internationally regarded as the fastest growing ecotourism segment.

Nature Reserves -Enjoy Nature’s Playgrounds where the Wild is all about Fun

Nature Reserves -Enjoy Nature’s Playgrounds where the Wild is all about Fun

Nature reserves are special areas of land or water that have been set aside for the protection of wildlife and their habitats. The Cape Whale Coast is speckled with these treasure troves of natural wonders. Visit and enjoy the biodiversity and natural beauty of these five nature reserves - they are all valuable and worth protecting.

Will competition with fishermen nudge Africa’s only penguin towards extinction?

Will competition with fishermen nudge Africa’s only penguin towards extinction?

African penguins are in serious trouble. To help, South Africa has rolled out no-fishing zones near six important penguin colonies. The question now is, Will it work?

White-fronted plover

White-fronted plover | Vaalstrandkiewiet R246

The white-fronted plover or white-fronted sandplover is a small shorebird of the family Charadriidae

Southern double-collared sunbird

Southern double-collared sunbird

These little birds can easily be called the gems of the Western Cape with their bright jewel-like colours and long curved beaks. At present they are all around gardens and fynbos, flitting from Protea to Erica or any other tubular type flower that has nectar.

African Olive-pigeon (Geelbekbosduif) in the Overberg

African Olive-pigeon (Geelbekbosduif) in the Overberg

A large pigeon with conspicuous yellow eye-patch - legs and feet. It is dark purplish-grey spotted with white - has a grey crown and blackish tail. They are somewhat nomadic seasonally - depending on fruiting of trees. Seen in the picnic area and also at the specimen hut at Fernkloof Nature Reserve. Uncommon resident.

African Hoopoe - (Overberg Birds)

African Hoopoe - (Overberg Birds)

In the garden area of Fernkloof this easily identifiable bird can be seen probing the ground for insects. It is a bright rufous coloured bird with conspicuous black-tipped crest and wings barred black and white. The crest is briefly raised when the bird settles or when alarmed. The bill is long - thin and slightly de-curved. Common resident.  This cuckoo is seldom seen as it sits still for long periods and calls from a hidden perch high inside a tree. The Afrikaans name “Piet-my-vrou” is onomatopoeic.

African Harrier-Hawk (Overberg Birds)

African Harrier-Hawk (Overberg Birds)

A medium-sized Goshawk predominantly brown in colour with finely barred under-parts. The juvenile bird has under-parts heavily blotched with black. May be seen circling in the sky above the Reserve and also frequents wooded areas.

African Fish-Eagle - Visarend

African Fish-Eagle - Visarend

You needn’t be a serious birder to recognise the yodelling yelp of this striking raptor. Often described as the sound of Africa, the sound evokes lazy rivers and palm-fringed lakeshores, often in duet with the grunting of hippos. And the bird itself, in its black, white and chestnut finery, is equally unmistakable.

Olive thrush, a Southern African bird

Olive thrush, a Southern African bird

“Don’t under estimate this bird, as it is known to kill poisons snakes with one fatal blow to the head.”

African Goshawk, is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Accipitridae bird family

African Goshawk, is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Accipitridae bird family

The African Goshawk is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Accipitridae bird family group which includes birds such as Raptors, Old Vultures, Osprey.

African Dusky Flycatcher

African Dusky Flycatcher

This small flycatcher frequents lush coastal and montane mist-belt regions and well wooded gardens. It is olive-grey above with a faintly streaked crown - buff-white eye-ring - below dusky with faint smudges (not streaks)

African Black Oystercatcher

African Black Oystercatcher

The African Black Oystercatcher is a marine bird that is endemic to South Africa and Namibia and slightly larger than European Oystercatcher.

Cape Grassbird

Cape Grassbird

The Cape Grassbird is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Sylviidae bird family group which includes birds such as Leaf-Warblers, Babblers, Warblers

Cape Rockjumper

Cape Rockjumper

The Cape Rock-jumper is endemic to South Africa, you will find them from Uitenhage, Eastern Cape to Cape Hanklip, also north to the Cedarberg mountains and Piketberg.

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