sh Health and Beauty | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Health and Beauty

Join a fun and friendly local parkrun on Saturday

Join a fun and friendly local parkrun on Saturday

Parkrun is a collection of 5-kilometre events for walkers, runners, and volunteers that take place every Saturday morning at 8hr. In this area, we have 3 parkrun venues

10 Gentle but Proven Ways to Treat Toothache and Relieve Pain Fast

10 Gentle but Proven Ways to Treat Toothache and Relieve Pain Fast

The following 10 tips are proven and can help you minimize a toothache while you wait for your dental appointment.

Moringa helping Eyesight

Moringa helping Eyesight

One benefit of Moringa for Eyes is that it is beneficial to treat the early stages of glaucoma.

Moringa Takes Care of High Blood Pressure

Moringa Takes Care of High Blood Pressure

Matana Health Moringa is an effective and NATURAL treatment for high blood pressure/hypertension.

Moringa boosts immunity

Moringa boosts immunity

A growing child needs to be shielded from harmful bacteria and viruses. Moringa has the ability to defend and fight off colds, as well as the capability to destroy common immune-related sickness.

 Moringa May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Moringa May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Scientific research has shown that supplementing with Moringa leaf products can treat Type 2 Diabetes.

Benefits of Superfood Moringa Oleifera

Benefits of Superfood Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera is one of natures most nutritious "SuperFoods" that offers a natural all-in-one supplement for your daily nutritional needs. It fuels your body and gives long-lasting energy. So, let's jump into the various health benefits that moringa offers:

Moringa: A Tree Giving Life to Rural Communities

Moringa: A Tree Giving Life to Rural Communities

What is Moringa: the world’s most nutrient-rich source of plant protein. 

Moringa is also a powerful tool in the fight to improve food security, soil fertility and livelihoods everywhere it grows.

Charts for when your child’s teeth erupt

Charts for when your child’s teeth erupt

Your baby is born with 20 teeth below the gums, and they usually start coming through between 6 months and a year. Most children have their full set of teeth by 3 years old.

5 Reasons why Beach Therapy is good for you

5 Reasons why Beach Therapy is good for you

There is something about a beach holiday that leaves you blissfully relaxed, happy and rejuvenated. And the best is that it works for people across ages. If you’ve stayed away from the beach for too long, here are 5 reasons you should choose a seaside holiday to get some beach therapy. 

10 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier!

10 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier!

Changing your mood can be surprisingly quick and easy when you have the right tools, strategies, and methods.

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