sh Campfire Stories of Hermanus | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Campfire Stories

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This gorgeous seaside town has a proud history dating back to the early 1800s when a man by the name of Hermanus Pieters followed a path etched into the ground by a herd of elephants. Hermanus Pieters was a traveling teacher and Sheppard who growing tired of his locality, made the decision to pack up and try somewhere new. He wandered south of Caledon along the elephant trail and ended up next to the sea where he discovered a fresh spring. Hermanus Pieters decided to set up camps here because of this spring and the fine grazing the land provided for his livestock. This beautiful setting became known as Hermanuspietersfontein (directly translated as Hermanus Pieters Fountain).

Here is How to Have a truly South African Braai

Here is How to Have a truly South African Braai

Like all good barbecues, a braai in South Africa is a leisurely affair.
Nobody braais on time; drinks and snacks are taken for a few hours while the fire is assembled.
This heritage day- have a braai!
“Oom Otto” die storie van Sopiesklip in Hermanus

“Oom Otto” die storie van Sopiesklip in Hermanus

Jacobus Claude (Kowie) Otto wat destyds in die grot by Sopiesklip “gekampeer” het, was allermins ‘n kluisenaar of boemelaar soos wat dit uit verskillende oorde al beweer is.

Ben se Fordjie

Ben se Fordjie

Dit is volgens alle rekords is Oom  Ben se 1930 Fordjie die enigste linkerstuur 1930 Fordtjie in die land. Oom Danie Loubser was absoluut oortuig daarvan dat die motor vanuit 'n Argentynse vis-fabriekskip in die Gansbaai Hawe afgelaai is.

Our Namaqualand Heritage - Namaqua Food Flavour

Our Namaqualand Heritage - Namaqua Food Flavour

During the years of the Great Trek from 1834 when the epic way from south to north was paved, old pioneer families were already fighting for survival in Little Namaqualand, south of the Orange River – known also as the Grootrivier and, long before that, as the Gariep.

Why sitting by the fire is so relaxing: Staring at flickering light awakens our inner caveman

Why sitting by the fire is so relaxing: Staring at flickering light awakens our inner caveman

Our love for the hearth is deeply ingrained and born out of evolution.Sitting next to a log fire leaves us feeling more at ease. The reason for the relaxing effect harks back to prehistoric times when Stone Age man socialised around camp fires and felt safe and warm while bonding with friends.

Genadendal - A small village with a mission in South Africa

Genadendal - A small village with a mission in South Africa

Genadendal translated to English and known as Valley of Grace and was established in 1738 by George Schmidt, a German Missionary, sent by the United Brethren (Moravian Church) to preach the gospel to the Khoi.

Waar kom die naam Sopiesklip Vandaan?

Waar kom die naam Sopiesklip Vandaan?

Waar kom die naam Sopiesklip vandaan?  Ek het al menigte stories gehoor oor Spoiesklip en waar die naam vandaan kom, en later besef… dit moes in verskillende tye gebeur het.

Die Wonderwerk van die Mayflower (vissersboot) in Hermanus 1901

Die Wonderwerk van die Mayflower (vissersboot) in Hermanus 1901

Die dorp slaap nog rustig. In die baai beweeg ses man rond om visgerei en boot reg te kry.  Dis om en by halfdrie toe hulle die Mayflower vissersboot in die water stoot.

Plankhuis a famous fishing spot near Hawston

Plankhuis a famous fishing spot near Hawston

About three kilometres west of Hawston lies the famous fishing spot, Plankhuis — a place shrouded in romanticism and mystery..


Gearing's Point in Hermanus - Origin

Gearing's Point was named after Mr. Sydney Gearing a future mayor of Rondebosch who bought a cottage on the corner of Marine and Harbour Road.

The Remarkable Miss Ella Gordon

The Remarkable Miss Ella Gordon

The two horses pulling the farm wagon on which her coffin lay stepped out in time to the music of the Genadendal Brass Band, as she had taught them.  by Annalize Mouton


Cypress Tea Garden to the Burgundy Restaurant

Cypress Tea Garden to the Burgundy Restaurant

John Louis built the first cottage in 1876 (on what is now Harbour Road) and then a second at right angles to it, facing the sea...

The Birkenhead Horses

The Birkenhead Horses

Various sources mention that between 9 and 30 horses boarded the Birkenhead at Simon’s Bay. When HMS Birkenhead struck the rock off Danger Point, the horses were cut free to give them a fair chance of surviving.

Birkenhead Drill - Women and Children First

Birkenhead Drill - Women and Children First

The sacrifice by the troops who stood fast on deck while the women and children were lowered into one of the only three available lifeboats...

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