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African Goshawk, is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Accipitridae bird family

  • Saturday, 19 August 2017
  • Author: Jeanette
  • Page Views: 13842

Botanical Name: Accipiter tachiro

Afrikaans:  Afrikaanse Sperwe

African Goshawk400 antonThe African Goshawk is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Accipitridae bird family group which includes birds such as Raptors, Old Vultures, Osprey.

A medium-sized Goshawk predominantly brown in colour with finely barred under-parts. May be seen circling in the sky above the Reserve and also frequents wooded areas.

The white rump and flight feathers and banded tail become apparent in flight.

Immatures have buff under-parts and heavily spotted upper breast. Occasionally seen in the Fernkloof Reserve, Hermanus flying low over fynbos in search of small prey.

The bill is black, the cere is greenish-grey, the eyes are yellow and the legs and feet are yellow. The bill is black, the cere is greenish-grey, the eyes are yellow and the legs and feet are yellow. Juveniles are brown above and boldly blotched with brown and with brown flank bars too. 

Females weigh 270–510 g (9.5–18.0 oz), while smaller males weigh 150–340 g (5.3–12.0 oz). They wingspan is 172–225 mm (6.8–8.9 in) for males and 211–275 mm (8.3–10.8 in) in females, the wingspan is 1.7 times the bird's total length.


Text:  Wikipedia, Roberts Birds and other various websites


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