sh Here are the updated lockdown rules for Activities, adventure, accommodation, and restaurants in South Africa | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Lockdown rules under Level 2 for the tourisim sector of South Africa

  • Thursday, 20 August 2020
  • Author: Jaydee Media
  • COVID-19
  • Page Views: 6175

Tourism minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane has outlined the new travel and accommodation rules for South Africa under the new level 2 lockdown.

Mmamoloko Kubayi Ngubane900


All regulations about mandatory mask-wearing, record-keeping and sanitary measures outlined for inter-provincial travel in Level 3 remain in place. Travel to all provinces is now permitted.

  • Beaches and parks
  • Museums, galleries, libraries, and archives
  • Restaurants - no buffets are permitted.
  • Water-based tourism activities (boat-based whale watching, scuba diving, shark cage diving, kayaking, river rafting, and speed boat rides)
  • Activities such as quad biking or hot air balloons need to be sanitised after each use.
  • Zoos, Aquaria, animal sanctuaries and rehabilitation centres - These places need to ensure there is social distancing. Tourists and tour guides need to wear masks and sanitise regularly.
  • Swimming pools
  • Accommodation establishments
  • Bars and restaurants within hotels must adhere to the 10pm curfew.
  • Tour operators
  • Tour guides are required to keep a record of the people they are taking on a tour and make it available to authorities when requested
  • Casinos
  • Theatres and cinemas
  • Social events at places of residence (visits to friends and family restricted to 10 visitors at a time)
  • Wedding venues are now permitted to operate, however, they can only host events with a maximum of 50 people.
  • Sporting activities - no spectators
  • Gyms and fitness centers

These places need to ensure there is social distancing. Tourists and tour guides need to wear masks and sanitise regularly.


More information:


The requirement announced under Level 3 remains and addition to the direction is to allow accommodation for inter-provincial leisure travellers.

In addition, breakfast and reception areas at accommodation venues must ensure less than a 50% occupancy of floor space. "No buffets are allowed." The minister says.

However, no more than two people may share a room, with the exceptions of a ‘nuclear family’. The directive states that this includes family members or caregivers living in the same household.

In terms of Airbnbs, the minister said that all accommodation is open, and it is up to the host of a home-sharing venue to ensure that they are compliant with the sanitation and social distancing regulations.


The requirement announced under Level 3 remain stay in place and addition to the direction to allow onsite consumption of alcohol is permitted at licensed restaurants, bars every day and in-compliance with the curfew time that starts at 10pm.

Different restaurants have different capacities and carry different space, so a single number wouldn’t make sense. The limit of 50 people applies only to gatherings, such as weddings and conferences and events, etc

The level 3 lockdown rules published in the beginning of August provide the rules that restaurants will have to adhere to as follows:

  • Restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops must keep a daily record of the full names, ID number or passport number, nationality, nature of position (i.e. temporary, casual or permanent), residential address, and cell phone numbers of all employees and delivery persons;
  • Ensure that every employee and delivery person is screened on arrival for shifts and on departing after shifts;
  • Provide employees with masks to wear and hand sanitiser;
  • Ensure that an area is demarcated for the collection of orders for delivery that is separate from the place where food is prepared;
  • Ensure that a contactless pickup zone for customers whose orders are ready to be collected is designated;
  • Sit-down restaurants must conduct a screening questionnaire and take precautionary measures to protect the person and other persons on the premises. Such measures may include denying such a person access to the premises;
  • Ensure that customers or guests wear masks at all times while they are on their premises except when eating or drinking;
  • Ensure that customers or guests queue at least one and a half meters apart behind each other or sideways;
  • Remove excess chairs /stools and tables or tables combined to enlarge the floor space while reducing and spreading seat capacity to enforce distancing of one and a half meters between guests or customers;
  • Consider a reservation system to manage demand, and help ensure that capacity limits are adhered to;
  • No buffets may be offered to guests for self -service;
  • Food may only be plated and/or provided in covered single portions;
  • Guests may pick up pre-portioned items and any other buffet service should be handled by food service employees only from behind Perspex or similar protective shields;
  • Menus must be replaced with non -touch options or sanitised after each guest use;
  • Where possible and for instance while taking orders, waiting staff must stand at least a meter from tables;
  • Where possible, tablecloths should be removed from tables. Only essential items such as salt and pepper, should remain on tables and be sanitised after each guest;
  • Remove excess chairs /stools and tables or tables combined to enlarge the floor space while reducing and spreading seat capacity to enforce distancing of one and a half meters between guests or customers;
  • Items on waiting stations must be minimized;
  • Clearing and cleaning systems with designated containers for different items and sealable refuse containers for food waste must be implemented and used.

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