Boat-based Whale Watching
The Hermanus boat based whale watching company who aims to make your lifetime dream a personal experience. A voyage on ocean going our boat, Unathi, takes you to experience one of the most unique marine experiences found anywhere, the mating and calving of Southern Right Whales!
With countless Southern Right Whales gathering along the Cape Whale coast every year to mate and to calve, the migrating Humpback Whales and shy resident Bryde’s Whales.
On a typical whale watching trip you may encounter Cape Fur Seals, pods of common dolphins or the playful bottlenose dolphins and the endangered Africa Penguins. Depending on the time in season you may also see migrating Humpback Whales or the resident Bryde’s Whales. The Hermanus Walker Bay area also attracts a large concentration and variety of seabirds.
Hermanus in South Africa is the Land Based Whale Watching capital of the world and every whale watching trip is a unique experience where the sightings vary. Southern Right Whales are the stars of the show during the annual mating in calving season, which starts with the arrival of the bulls in June, closely followed by the females.
They will mate during their journey to the South African Cape Coastal waters. Pregnant female Southern Right Whales will be the last to arrive and the last to leave with their new born calves. Only when the calves are fit enough will they swim back to the Antarctic waters where she and the calf will feed on krill, a nutritious rice grain size crustacean.
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