sh If you make wine, you sell time in a bottle | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

If you make wine, you sell time in a bottle

  • Tuesday, 15 January 2019
  • Author: Linda Chivell
  • Page Views: 5254

sell wine sell time in a bottle

Wine is increasingly a sort of liquid time. Do not underestimate the connotation that people associate with your wine. You should cherish these concepts in your communication where your products are associated with the mind stories that are able to become part of the life of those who buy your wine.

The experiential market is the one that sells quality time, today the scarce and most coveted resource. - Carlo Meo

With the emergence of the new consumer and new channels and methods of consumptions, an often underestimated factor is the concept of the shared experience of our everyday living

The value of time today

Wine is increasingly a sort of liquid time, a product to be consumed in conditions and contexts we created with care. Whether you open a bottle of wine at home or at the restaurant, the bottle of wine becomes a sensual ritual:  observe, smell, taste, share, discuss, memorize. It becomes the one thing you accidentally plan;

"tomorrow evening with the Florentine we uncork a beautiful red" ..

Today more than ever we have to compensate for the concept of traditional family, for the tight pulse of modernity, for broken meals. With the enormous possibilities of choice available to people, therefore, more and more wine is consumed in certain contexts, all characterized by a common slow rhythm linked to the pleasure of the occasion.

At home, in the restaurant, in wine shop, in tastings, at trade fairs, at dinner with friends. Wine is present on these occasions as something alive, worthy of respect, perhaps despite, but maybe simply because of, its origins.

wine safaris group

Wine merchants would do well by studying statistics on today’s wine consumer carefully where the attention is rightly placed on the female target, while at age level, the Millennials confirm themselves as the main consumers of wine.

Young people born between 1983 and 2001 consume and spend more, on average, than the previous generation.  These young people have developed a wine culture that has elevated wine to a lifestyle

This aspect is of fundamental importance and deserves specific attention that is you can read here. Suffice it to say, more and more, wine is becoming one of the means by which we build our identity in relation to the people around us.

By consuming a certain type of wine, we shape identity of ourselves, what we like and that we want to show and tell others.

But all of this need of time. Time to learn, to know, to tell each other.

woman wine drinkers

But let's get back to the statistics for a moment

According to the data collected, the consumption of wine among Millennials is divided as follows:

  • 62% prefer to share wine in their homes in the company of their partner or friends
  • 33% at events and tastings at wine shops or wine bars
  • 5% declare to taste it during lunch or dinner at the restaurant

Keeping these facts in mind, the pictures in our minds become clearer.

If I'm at home with the people dear to me, then wine becomes an accompaniment of the time of love and friendship, which will express itself in the pleasure of a dinner for two and good times with friends. In the happy, smiling, vibrant times we forget our commitments, our tasks, our problems.

If I'm at a wine tasting event, I want to know more and possibly chat with the winemaker, taking time to discover the vines, territories and winemaking which all will help me grow as a consumer and build that all-important image of me that I like to present to the world.

At the restaurant, the once privileged territory of the generation prior to the Millennials, wine becomes increasingly part of an experience. Here too is an experience of discovery, amazement, enjoyment of the senses and living in the time of the now.

wine pairing

Wine producers you must know what you are selling today to the consumer. You are offering quality time, a sort of button that slows down the intense rush of immediate.

Do not underestimate the connotation that people (we do not talk about consumers right now) associate with your wine. You should cherish these concepts in your communication where your products are associated with mind stories that are able to become part of the life of those who buy your wine.

Only in this way will you know how to make yourself recognizable and memorable.

In easy terms-thrill with your wine!

When I drink certain wines, I think of the sea, that moving, constant motion, reassuringly timeless. Find your wine that does not stop time, but certainly manages to give it a good slow down.

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