sh I can't leave South Africa Without my child! | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

I can't leave South Africa Without my child!

  • Monday, 19 March 2018
  • Author: Linda Chivell
  • Page Views: 15086

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His father refuses to give consent for his passport and relocation.

Parents of minor children differ on many things. Sometimes it's minor issues. But, what if one parent wants to go away on holiday or relocate with the child, and the other parent refuses to give consent.One obvious reason to object to a relocation would be that the parent that remains in South Africa may not see the child for some time.

Can my child become a foreign national without my consent?

Best explained in this case study question from a mother:

 “I am a recently divorced mother and I want to permanently relocate to Australia with my minor child as I have obtained a wonderful work opportunity in Sydney; which will benefit both myself in the long term and my child eventually.

However, my ex, the father of my child, refuses to give his consent, despite the fact that the child resides permanently with me in terms of our divorce order.

The question is do I need his consent in writing or otherwise to take my son with me to Australia?”

The answer to this  question is broadly as follows:

Where both parents have guardianship of the children, as is usually the norm, notwithstanding whom the children reside with, it necessarily follows that consent will be needed from the other parent when one parent decides to relocate to another country with a minor. However, if one parent refuses to provide consent, it does not mean that you will never be able to take your children with you should you wish to relocate to another country.

Our courts have held that the mother with whom the children resided could relocate to another country with her minor children, without the consent of their father, provided the consent of the court was obtained.

It is, however, important to note that it is not a given that a court will automatically provide consent where one parent refuses. The Children’s Act only states that the consent of the non-custodial parent is required for the departure or removal of a minor from South Africa.

The two most important factors the court will rely on is whether the decision of the parent to relocate is bona fide, reasonable and genuinely taken, and secondly if it would be in the best interest of the child. Furthermore, the applicant will also have to show that the child’s well-being, care and education will be better provided for in another country.

This means that the court will throughout the application evaluate, weigh and balance the competing factors from both parents’ sides and also take into account the child’s wishes in appropriate cases.

Examples of factors counting in favour of the parent relocating with the children:

  1.  Financial advantages that will better the children’s living conditions.
  2.  Safer living conditions for the children.
    3. Better educational opportunities for the children.
    4.            Whether close family members in the children’s lives will relocate with them, for example, grandmothers and/or grandfathers.
    5.            If there would be a stronger support system for the children, for example, if other family members of the children already live in the country where they are relocating to.
    6.            Where the non-custodial parent is absent in the children’s lives.

Examples of factors counting against the parent relocating with the children:

1.            If the children have a very strong relationship with the non-custodial parent.
2.            If the non-custodial parent plays an important role in the children’s daily lives.
3.            If the financial capacity of the parents would restrict the children to continue the relationship with the non-custodial parent.

The court, as the upper guardian of a child, takes upon itself a grave responsibility to decide whether to override the non-consenting parent; and will only do so after the most careful consideration of all the circumstances. 

From the above it is clear that in determining whether you have the right to relocate with your children without the other parent’s consent is not a cut and dry decision

Back to our original question:-

In each case, it would be in your own best interests to get proper, professional legal advice to help you assess the merits of applying to the court for an order allowing you to relocate your children to another country without your ex’s consent.

This curated article was shortened.

Read the original article here.


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