We would like to remind the public that shops and street vendors are not permitted to sell fireworks. So please do not support them or buy from them.
Note, too, that the use of Chinese (sky) lanterns and/or flares for any purpose other than an emergency, are prohibited by law. The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) also asks people not to use sky lanterns as they float out to sea and are often reported as emergency flares which in turn cause Sea Rescue hours of fruitless searching.
Let us work together to make these festive season celebrations safe and happy for all.
In case of an emergency please contact Overstrand Fire & Rescue on 028 312 2400.
Overstrand’s 24 hour Emergency Basic Services control room can be contacted on 028 313 8111 for issues relating to municipal infrastructure; 028 313 8000 for general enquiries, 028 313 8980 for safety and security issues and 028 313 8996 for Law Enforcement day-to-day complaints.
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