sh Hermanus History and Heritage | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Hermanus History and Heritage

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This gorgeous seaside town has a proud history dating back to the early 1800s when a man by the name of Hermanus Pieters followed a path etched into the ground by a herd of elephants. Hermanus Pieters was a traveling teacher and Sheppard who growing tired of his locality, made the decision to pack up and try somewhere new. He wandered south of Caledon along the elephant trail and ended up next to the sea where he discovered a fresh spring. Hermanus Pieters decided to set up camps here because of this spring and the fine grazing the land provided for his livestock. This beautiful setting became known as Hermanuspietersfontein (directly translated as Hermanus Pieters Fountain).

“Oom Otto” die storie van Sopiesklip in Hermanus

“Oom Otto” die storie van Sopiesklip in Hermanus

Jacobus Claude (Kowie) Otto wat destyds in die grot by Sopiesklip “gekampeer” het, was allermins ‘n kluisenaar of boemelaar soos wat dit uit verskillende oorde al beweer is.

The History of Fisherhaven

The History of Fisherhaven

Fisherhaven arose from the Afdaks River farm  - Fisherhaven is a small town in the Western Cape, South Africa on the banks of the Bot River lagoon

Hermanus had thirteen Hotels in the golden and olden days.

Hermanus had thirteen Hotels in the golden and olden days.

List of the Hotels and their locations. Quite amazing that Hermanus hosted so many hotels when it was just a little fishing village.

History of the Hermanus New Harbour

History of the Hermanus New Harbour

By the end of 1946 the southern breakwater was done, and it was only about ten years later, in 1951 that the new harbour, with its sharp cut into the sea from the headland where the factories today stand, was completed and fully operational.

Hermanus, a popular a seaside village in South Africa

Hermanus, a popular a seaside village in South Africa

Nestled between lush green mountains and the turquoise ocean close to the southern tip of Africa lies the magnificent village of Hermanus.

Local Hermanus fisherman, Bill Selkirk, caught the world’s biggest man-eating shark with a rod and reel in 1922

Local Hermanus fisherman, Bill Selkirk, caught the world’s biggest man-eating shark with a rod and reel in 1922

In April 1922, Bill caught his record man–eating shark of 2,176 lbs (967 kg) which took him five hours to land with a rod and a reel. In 1969, Coena Haman gave a vivid description of this drama to a visiting reporter of Die Burger.

Hawston and it

Hawston and it's history

Close to Hermanus, the town of Hawston with its long, white unspoilt beach lies cosily between the sea and the mountain.  Named after C.R. Haw, a civil commissioner of Caledon.

Harbour Road in Hermanus from yesteryear…

Harbour Road in Hermanus from yesteryear…

The old people called it Du Toit Street in earlier times as all the Du Toits were living there.

Waar kom die naam Sopiesklip Vandaan?

Waar kom die naam Sopiesklip Vandaan?

Waar kom die naam Sopiesklip vandaan?  Ek het al menigte stories gehoor oor Spoiesklip en waar die naam vandaan kom, en later besef… dit moes in verskillende tye gebeur het.

De Wet

De Wet's Photo Museum in Hermanus

The De Wet’s Huis cottage at the Fishermen’s Village houses a photographic exhibition of old Hermanus dating as far back as the beginning of the last century...

The Grand Old Lady, also known as the Marine Hotel in Hermanus

The Grand Old Lady, also known as the Marine Hotel in Hermanus

During the 1920s the Marine with its ballroom became extremely popular and many wealthy and famous people stayed there for  holidays.

Swallow Park in Hermanus and the Legend of Swallow

Swallow Park in Hermanus and the Legend of Swallow

Swallow arrived in Hermanus as a young teacher in the early1890s.  Until 1912 she spent her days in the old Dutch Reformed school and lived at the Sanatorium.

Die Wonderwerk van die Mayflower (vissersboot) in Hermanus 1901

Die Wonderwerk van die Mayflower (vissersboot) in Hermanus 1901

Die dorp slaap nog rustig. In die baai beweeg ses man rond om visgerei en boot reg te kry.  Dis om en by halfdrie toe hulle die Mayflower vissersboot in die water stoot.

Hermanus and its History

Hermanus and its History

“Every town or village name has an origin. For many years a variety or stories were told about the name of Hermanus and the man Hermanus Pieters.

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