sh whale watching | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Recipes tagged with: whale watching

Bowhead Whale

Bowhead Whale

The bowhead whale is so-called because of its bow-shaped mouth and is black in colour with a whitish chin patch , broken by a 'necklace' of black spots.

Bryde’s Whales

Bryde’s Whales

They are named after a Norwegian, John Bryde, who, in 1912, financed the first scientific investigation of whales in South African waters.

Humpback Whales

Humpback Whales

Humpback” refers to the habit of raising and bending its back in preparation for the dive, accentuating the pronounced hump in front of the dorsal fin.

Southern Right Whale Behaviour

Southern Right Whale Behaviour

While at the surface, Southern right whales exhibit a variety of behaviors, including: breaching, fluking (lifting the tail out of the water), spy hopping, logging

Whale Watching in Hermanus

Whale Watching in Hermanus

Hermanus is known as the land based whale capital of the world...  from the cliffs, a boat or from the air. 

Facts about Southern Right Whales

Facts about Southern Right Whales

Each year Southern Right whales migrate into the coastal waters of the Western Cape to calve and nurse their young. The animals, often mere metres from the shore, provide unsurpassed whale watching opportunities between June and November.

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