sh beach therapy makes you happy | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

5 Reasons why Beach Therapy is good for you

  • Saturday, 01 December 2018
  • Author: Linda Chivell
  • Page Views: 20555

There is something about a beach holiday that leaves you blissfully relaxed, happy and rejuvenated. And the best is that it works for people across ages. From the crisp morning at sunrise, the frolicking of the waves, to the self-search watching the sun going down to the calm during the night, the beach changes our mood and puts us in touch with our inner selves. If you’ve stayed away from the beach for too long, here are 5 reasons you should choose a seaside holiday to get some beach therapy.

Then click on the link to discover the beaches of Hermanus-

ocean view

 1. Beaches keep us healthy

Vitamin Sea and Vitamin D are some of the direct benefits to your health when you spend time at the beach. Catching the morning sun during your days at the beach can help make up for the Vitamin D deficiency that so many office-dwellers lack. Remember that sunscreen if you plan to stay a little longer though.

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2. Rather choose the ocean spa

Luxury spas offer an exotic mix of natural ingredients that help rejuvenate your skin. Anything from algae to sea salts and even seaweeds. But why go to a spa when you can get it all naturally at the beach! A simple dip in the ocean will have the same rejuvenating effect on your skin. And the best part is that it doesn’t cost a cent!

sea fishing

3. A beach will help you leave stress behind

“There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea. No past. No future.” – The Last Samurai.
Somehow, when you stare at waves upon waves, your mind seems to become quiet. The solution becomes the focus while the worry is being pushed way back. We all face challenges in life which sometimes seems insurmountable It’s, therefore, no surprise that after spending a day at the beach watching the waves will leave you with a feeling of being calm and happy.


4. No limits to space for exercise

A beach has the perfect milieu for exercise. The view is great and immediately you are in a good mood. There is no jostling for space. There is no competition for your attention or thumping music. Instead, there is soft sea sand which is all the better for your workout. A post-workout casual swim even helps to burn some calories.

sea shells

5. A beach will make you happy

 Water is a part of us and helps us survive and thrive. Our deep connection with water allows us to be subconsciously happy around water bodies. Scientists believe that the amniotic fluid in the womb is our first and deep connection with water. Our body itself is 70% water. TThe harmonious sound of the waves, the calming cool blue waters, and white sand lend a soothing backdrop of colors and sound to calm our minds. The vastness of the beach provides a sense of safety, not having hidden threats. The fact that you can unplug and connect with nature is another reason that makes us happy. What’s not to love!

Spending time at the beach, unplugging and rewiring your emotions, you connect with nature and that will leave you feeling happy. What’s not to love?
Follow the link and visit one of the beaches in Hermanus here…

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