sh Marine Wildlife | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

Recipes tagged with: Marine Wildlife

Hammerhead Shark Facts in a nutshell

Hammerhead Shark Facts in a nutshell

The unusual structure of the head makes the head look like a hammer, this is why they are known as "Hammerhead sharks". This "hammer" on its head is also known as the "cephalofoil" Since the eyes are positioned on the ends of the cephalofoil, hammerheads are able to see everything around them, including what is under them, and what is above them.

What do we know about Loggerhead turtles?

What do we know about Loggerhead turtles?

To see these magnificent creatures make their way up the beach, dig a hole with their flippers, lay their eggs, carefully cover up their nest...

Do the whales move away from Hermanus because of Wi Fi?

Do the whales move away from Hermanus because of Wi Fi?

I have a theory. Our whales do not return to Walkerbay because of the distress caused by Wi-Fi signals to the whales and new-born babies. 

#Whale Coast Conservation exhibit @ #Hermanus #WhaleFestival 2015

#Whale Coast Conservation exhibit @ #Hermanus #WhaleFestival 2015

Shark Egg Case Project  - Citizens, school groups, intern groups and Working for the Coast employees contribute to scientific knowledge about sharks by collecting...

Blue Whales

Blue Whales

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest baleen whale and the largest animal that ever lived on Earth

Mysterious oil spill in Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth - Rehabilitation of oiled penguins

Mysterious oil spill in Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth - Rehabilitation of oiled penguins

The birds were admitted two weeks ago from Bird and St. Croix islands (part of the Algoa Bay Hope Spot) after being rescued by rangers from the Marine Section of the Addo Elephant National Park (SANParks).  SANCCOB continues to wash and rehabilitate 30 endangered African penguins and four penguin chicks after a mystery oil spill in Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape).

Sea Birds: Celebrating two years of SANCCOB - EC in suitable style

Since the start of 2015, SANCCOB has rehabilitated nearly 60 seabirds at its Cape St Francis facility. The majority of the African penguins have been stranded moulting or arrested moulting juveniles showing signs of malnourishment.  Most of the Cape gannets, rescued from the Jeffreys Bay to St Francis Bay Area, have also been weak and underweighted juvenile birds, most likely to have left their nests for the first time and struggling to find food. 

Whale Watching in Hermanus - Press releasse: Indaba 2015

Whale Watching in Hermanus - Press releasse: Indaba 2015

The Southern Right Whale found a safe place to breed and calf in Walkerbay, Hermanus.   Boat Based Whale Watching with the Whale Watchers brings you up close with these amazing mammals.

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