
Hermanus Timeline

  • Wednesday, 29 January 2014
  • Author: Jeanette
  • Page Views: 16830
Hermanus Timeline
1600’s   (Quenna (Khoi-Khoi) tribes still live in this area
1724   Jan Cloete obtained first grazing rights to Mosselrivier farm
1731   Grazing rights granted in vicinity of Kleinriviervallei granted to Frederick Keyser

Grazing rights on Bosch Rivier to Wessels Wessels, incl area at the mouth of the lagoon extending E of Hermanus to beyond Mossel Rivier. Subsequent grazing rights to Kleinriviervallei (vicinity Stanford) included Jeremias Auret and Christoffel Brand

1787   Bosch Rivier granted to Hendrick Cloete of Groot Constantia. There were no buildings on it at this time (his lovely oxen farm)
1790's   Jan Cloete He builds the Mondhuis – the first holiday home in the aea
1798   Lady Anne Barnard rests at Mondhuis for lunch en route to Drupkelder.  Lady Anne Barnard describe the mondhuis:  Buildings described as “two small rooms and a nasty little kitchen.” (Burman 17982)
1817   Leper Colony established in Hemel-en-Aarde - DR John Barry
1820's   Hermanus Pieters an itinerant teacher of the district of Caledon. Here he found a fresh water spring at the coast. The place became known as Hermanuspietersfontein
1837   Hermanus Pieters dies at Boontjieskraal

Mossel Rivier sold to Alewyn Johannes Smit. Presence of fishermen and lime burners. Growth of fishermen’s informal housing close to the sea

1845   Leper Establishment move to Robben Eiland
1852   HMS Birkenhead meets it fate at Danger Point, Gansbaai (shipwreck)
1854   12 Plots surveyed by CR Borcherds. The first 9 plots lay opposite the spring along the NW side of present Marine Drive from Ficks Pool to present Main Road, Hermanus.
1855   First Hermanus Pietersfontein plots sold at Caledon and a town was born.   Hermanus and it's origin
1855   Johannes Michael Henn purchased 1/9 plots at an auction in Caledon for one pound 4 shillings.
1857   Michiel Henn and  family moved from Herriebaai to settle in Hermanuspietersfontein
1858   First child born in Hermanuspietersfonein -  James John Warrington
1860   Michiel Henn buys a plot of land and an early cottage at Hermanus – situated opposite the present Swallow Park.
1860   Duncan McFarlane built second holiday home - The Homestead (Nurses home)
1860   Hawston  subdivided
1861   First Map - CR Borcherds
1868   A small building, a "palehuis", was built, to be both English church and school and it was called after the patron saint of fishermen,  St. Peter
1870   Allengenski Complex built - Today Lemm's Corner
1875   31 July 1875, a "Certificate of Reservationas Commonage" was issued by the Surveyor_General by which "certain Crown Land a64 morgen, sitiated in the Village of Hermanuspietersfontein" 
1878   A Small building was erected to serve as a Ditch Reformed Church and School
1897   St. Peter's Mission School and the Dutch Reformed Church School united to form the "Public School".
1890’s   Walter.McFarlane decided to enlarge his cottage and about 1890 turned it into a small hotel. It was known as the Victoria Hotel, later the name was changed the name to Astoria Hotel
1891   First Village Manage Board established
1896   Dr. Joshua Hoffman of Stellenbosch, decided to make use of the bracing quality of hte air of Hermanuspietersfontein and he built a Sanatorium on the westcliff.
1901   Mayflower Fishing vessel miraculously saved in stormy seas.
1902   Hermanuspietersfontein name changed to Hermanus - it was shortened by the Post Master from Hermanuspietersfontein to Hermanus
1902   McFarlane and Beyers built the Marine Hotel
1902   Railway line to Bot River – post cart to Hermanus introduced
1903   Onrusrivier village established
1904   Municipal status for Hermanus
1904   Old Harbour wall was built
1912   Motor transport introduced – buses and lorries
1912   First proper school built (Stone school next to koppie)
1915   Crane was built in the Old harbour to assisit with fishing boats
1928   Miss Rubery begin Cypress Tree Tea Room (Today the Burgundy Rerstaurant)
1930   Sir William Hoy buried on koppie (Hoy’s Koppie)
1930   Synagogue was built in the Main Road
1935   Gutting tables were built in Old Harbour 
1940   Hermanus, Poole’s Bay and Mosselrivier amalgamated into one municipality
1951   New harbour completed
1957   First residents in Zwelihle
1958   Last fishing boats in Old Harbour
1960's   Southern Right Whales started to visit Walkerbay
1961   Library was build in Harbour Road

Old Harbour declared a National Monument

1974   Provincial hospital opens its doors
1976   De Bos Water and Preekstoel purifying scheme completed
1977   Huis Lettie Theron opens its doors
1977   New high school building completed
1987   De Wets Photo Museum – cottage moved from DRC site to Lemm’s Corner 
1994   Overstrand Municipality established
1995   Hermanus Medi Clinic opens
1995   First Passion Play in the old harbour


Book:  Village of the Sea Arderne Tredgold

S.J du Toit

Old harbour Museum

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