sh This small flycatcher frequents lush coastal and montane mist-belt regions and well wooded gardens. It is olive-grey above with a faintly streaked crown - buff-white eye-ring - below dusky with faint smudges (not streaks) | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine

African Dusky Flycatcher

  • Thursday, 08 June 2017
  • Author: Jeanette
  • Page Views: 8690

Botanical Name:   Muscicapa adusta
Afrikaans name:  Donkervliegvanger

This small flycatcher frequents lush coastal and montane mist-belt regions and well wooded gardens. It is olive-grey above with a faintly streaked crown - buff-white eye-ring - below dusky with faint smudges (not streaks). It is quiet and unobtrusive and is usually noticed when hawking prey. Common summer visitor. Unobtrusive unless calling - the male and female differs completely.

spotted flycatcher brian

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