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Africa's Travel Indaba 2018 statistics

  • Monday, 14 May 2018
  • Author: Jeanette du Toit
  • Page Views: 15534

In total, more than 7000 representatives delegates from 80 countries visited Africa’s Travel Indaba in 2018!

Africa’s Travel Indaba consists of four distinct groups of delegates – exhibitors, buyers, media and various stakeholders, policymakers and interest groups which make up this vibrant sector. 

South African Tourism’s Chief Executive Officer, Sisa Ntshona says: “Indaba’s goal is to create a platform that allows the world to do business with Africa and business is happening. We are therefore encouraged by the number of buyers and exhibitors who have come from various parts of the world. They are our valued partners, who assist us to package and sell Africa to the world,”

“The African continent is one of warmth and diversity. We are one as humanity and we will express it on the continent,” Minister Derek Hanekom told the audience of delegates, media, exhibitors, buyers and visitors who crowded into the South Foyer of the Durban ICC to witness the traditional ringing of the bell that signalled the opening of the trade floor.

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“It is really encouraging to see that in total we have delegates from 31 African countries at this year’s show, and although there are 23 exhibiting countries, we see definite interest from other countries to use this platform in the future as they embrace the tourism sector’s potential for job creation and contribution to GDP in their countries.”

“When we took the decision to make Indaba a pan-African event, it was a deliberate strategy on our part of boost the African economy,” says Ntshona.

To make a trade show a success, the number of quality buyers is a top priority – and this year the show has already confirmed over 1747 buyers from 69 countries, an increase of 14% from last year, while there were over 1 100 registered exhibitors, an increase of 5.7% from last year. Of the exhibitors, 200 were firsts time exhibitors. 

This year’s three-day show is expected to inject an R89 million to KZN’s GDP. “This is the 21st anniversary of the Durban ICC this year - a fitting way to start our five-year journey with this award-winning venue,” says Ntshona.

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More than 600 media showcase the Africa Indaba Travel show to the more than 80 countries

In addition to the all-important deals, is the need to expand the positive coverage of Africa’s tourism success stories, and for this reason, media attendance is so important. “We have taken a slightly different approach to media this year, hosting and partnering with media who we know can tell a positive story and really add value to the exhibitors. We also know that the accredited media will be eager to move Africa forward,” added Ntshona.

Another highlight of this year’s Indaba is its partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation on the Nelson Mandela 100 centenary programme, with various activations throughout the three days of the Indaba. 


South African Tourism
Africa's Travel Indaba 2018

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