sh List of Businesses in Hermanus | Hermanus Online Travel Magazine
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Companies starting with W

Whale Coast Hotel in Hermanus

Whale Coast Hotel in Hermanus

Located only a 5-minute walk from the Old Harbour of Hermanus, the Whale Coast Hotel offers luxurious apartments with full hotel services. Our central location allows for indulgence in the beautiful coastal town as well as exploring the scenic beauty and many adventures it has to offer. 

White Shark Projects

White Shark Projects

Shark Cage Diving with White Shark Projects in Gansbaai near Cape Town

Wooden Barrel

Wooden Barrel

The restaurant is situated on the piazza in Hermanus overlooking Walker Bay and the beautiful mountains. An upmarket bistro-style restaurant on the piazza in Hermanus overlooking Walker Bay and the beautiful mountains they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner with a variety of starters.

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